Have you ever bought an LCD TV, computer screen or laptop?
If you bought ANY LCD Television, Computer screen or Laptop between 1999 and 2006 you are owed money from a settlement because between those years the manufacturers of those products were meeting behind closed doors, price fixing and overcharging the American people hundreds of millions of dollars. This is a way to make it right.
We've made it easy for you to claim your refund, and to donate it directly to Be the Star You Are. We're asking you to take 3 minutes of your time to fill out our form for this.
While your individual claim might be small, combined with the claims of other donors it will make a big difference to Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3.
Please take 3 minutes right now to fill out our form.
We really appreciate your help!

Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3 empowers women, families, and youth through increased literacy, positive media, and tools for living. The numerous outreach programs include two international radio broadcasts, essay competitions, Operation Disaster Relief, book distribution, community events, Club BTSYA for teens, reading circles and more. Visit http://www.BTSYA.org or http://www.BetheStarYouAre.org.
You can make this possible with just 3 minutes of your time. Please take 3 minutes now!